

We Take Side Hustles Seriously



A sister company to Seriously Agile, is an end-to-end entrepreneurial incubator specializing in cyclical revenue strategies with select e-commerce brands while coaching financial literacy. The company continues to grow across North America as the ultimate self-paced hustle coaching program that has already added value to over 50 partners worldwide. 

The Business Case - Why Work With Us

Selected entrepreneurial partners with Seriously Business are provided with the following – 

  • Direct-to-consumer marketing strategies – building your product audience
  • Sales training to incur annual and monthly recurring revenue
  • Personal finances – Tax strategies, personal budgets with debt reduction strategies
  • A global product supply chain license
  • Subsidized access to large private events dedicated for your business development

When we evaluate a business, we believe that our audience comes before any product is introduced into the business system. We are looking to create long-term partnerships with individuals and businesses that don’t want to bear the responsibility of a large product supply chain backend. This is due to individual limitations of time and money required to create such start-ups.
For a small annual fee, our suppliers fund the entire entrepreneurial experience on the backend, so that individuals don’t have to be liable for product development & shipping logistics required to distribute products within their chosen geographic market. This partnership allows individuals to dedicate a flexible schedule to their side-business while receiving hands-on training from successful coaches.




Shabir Mustehsan has a decade of experience in the technology, product management, and cyclical ecommerce. As the founder of Seriously agile and Seriously Business, Shabir has led mulitple enterprise and entrepreneurial initiatives. He specifically coaches teams in enterprise leadership, agile coaching, ecommerce business development and marketing distribution.

The Seriously Business Experience

Entrepreneurial coaching with real world entrepreneurs in multiple industries

Exclusive access to international conferences and seminars for partners

Long term asset building through monthly and annual recurring transactions

Self-paced coaching in financial literacy and sales skills

Cyclical revenue strategies in resilient industries

Selective partnerships based on a comprehensive education process

How We Work


I’ve known Shabir for the past two years and I can confidently say that this man is the
definition of having a winning attitude. Not only does he thrive in his professional career, I
have seen Shabir lead by example in multiple projects that he pursues and succeeds in them
all. I look up to him as a mentor. I’ve grown a lot learning from him and appreciate the
skillsets he’s taught me. The quality I admire most about him is his positive attitude and
energy. Regardless of challenges Shabir faces, he takes them head on with a smile on his
face. That’s called leadership.

- Ramsha Khan – Partner – Seriously Business

I met Shabir and became partners with him through Seriously Business, his understanding of
the digital age helped me become more financially literate than anyone in my social circle, I understood the value of mentorship and I am glad Shabir provided his help to diverisify my

- Michael R

“My name is Haley, I met Shabir in his Scaled Agile class – He helped me learn agile basics and explained the content at a comfortable pace. I’d highly recommend Shabir for any coaching and instructor positions.”

– Haley Glick

Shahbir has been one of the most phenomenal coaches that helped me on my career path his understanding of digital age helped become financially independent. He goes above and beyond her students whether it be through her in depth-explanation and examples,

– Sandhya Jacobs

Apply To Partner With Me

+1 (516) 590 -5388

New York City, US

Our Partners

 Partnered Suppliers & Business Entities 

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